Saturday, January 24, 2009

The President's Brothers

This is George Obama, the President's youngest brother. He's 27 years old and was only 6 months old when their father, Barack Obama Sr., died in 1982. George's mom lives in Atlanta and was Obama Sr.'s fourth (and last) baby mamas. I think he favors his older brother a lot!

Then, there are the President's two brothers by his father's second white wife. I didn't know Obama Sr. had more biracial children other than Barack Jr. but he did. A woman named Ruth Nidesand met Sr. in Boston and followed him to Kenya and had two sons with him.

One died in 198?. His name was David Ndesandjo and he died in a motorcycle accident. Ruth changed her sons' last name to that of her second husband. He too favored the President a lot.

Now for the other biracial brother: He is just as amazing as his brother, the President. His name is Mark Ndesandjo and has a degree from Brown University, a masters in physics from Stanford and an MBA from Emory.

He lives in China and runs an internet company that has made him wealthy. He speaks fluent Mandarin, has a Chinese wife, and plays the piano. Here he is performing for a charity in China in 2008:

He too looks like his brother:

But their looks are all they have in common. The President wrote in his book "Dreams from My Father" that he and Mark didn't see things the same way. Mark thought his Obama Sr. "was a drunk and showed no concern for his wife and children." He didn't care about Kenya and thought it was “just another poor African country” and had no problems with his racial identity - he thought it was "emotional baggage" that he didn't care for. Although they are not close, Mark presented his brother with his Chinese calligraphy. Here is Mark working on his calligraphy:

He attended his brother's inauguration on January 20, 2009.
President Obama has had the most interesting life of anyone I know or know of.


achoiceofweapons said...

Thanks for posting this. I didn't know any of this. WOW!
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